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About Me

My name is Jamie, and I am a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. I started TruFit because I have a love of fitness and want to be able to help others to achieve their goals in this area. 


I have been in and out of the gym since I was in high school. However, I never really was able to achieve the goals I wanted. I have tried different supplements and workout plans over the years, but still never quite got where I wanted. It wasn't until I broke my arm in 2017 and needed multiple surgeries resulting in my having no radial head in my right arm, that I discovered what I didn't know.  I ended up taking up running to work through some stuff I had going on and eventually found my way back into the gym. I quickly learned I was not able to do things the same as I used to. This ended up being a blessing in disguise. I needed to really focus on proper form and exercise mechanics if I was going to make a go of it. This was the birth of my love of fitness and nutrition. As I learned more, I saw better results, which made me want to keep going. It has been a long road with some setbacks and some trips back to the drawing board, but I am making progress and enjoying the journey.  I still can't do things like I used to, but that's ok. I strive to be the best I can be.

As I became more immersed in different gyms, I have met some great people with truly amazing journeys. People that wanted to change their lives and did something about it. Helping people to make those changes is an amazing thing. This is why I became a trainer. People achieving their goals in the gym and with their diet is something that makes me happy. Whether it's helping someone who's new to the gym or someone trying to hit a new max on a lift. Whatever your goal is, you can do it!

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